What's a perfect example of poor management? A prostitute getting pregnant.
What is the difference between giving money to a prostitute and giving money to a church? A prostitute won't tell you that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.
What's the difference between my dad and a hooker?
Hookers come back.
Why did the orphan become a prostitute? They wanted someone to call "daddy."
What's the difference between a prostitute and a drug dealer?
The prostitute can wash her crack and sell it again.
What is the difference between giving money to a prostitute and giving money to a church? You don't get something in return if you give money to a church.
What's the difference between a rooster and a prostitute?
The rooster says... "cock-a-doodle-doo." The prostitute says... "any cock will do."
How do you get four prostitutes on one chair?
You turn it upside down.
What is the difference between a feminist and a female prostitute? If you want a female prostitute to be a bitch, you have to give her money first.
If prostitution had a tax exempt status and if a adult book store had a tax exempt status because of a glory hole churches would have to do something else to keep their tax exempt status to avoid the risk of going out of business
What is the best part about Alabama prostitutes? Family comes first
What do you get when you cross a panhandler and a politician and a lobbyist and a prostitute and a sodomite a Jehovah's Witness knocking on your door at your house to convert you to their religion
Why do prostitutes love servicing zombies? They always leave a tip.
What's the difference between a hooker and a mosquito?
The mosquito stops sucking after you slap it.
When a military person dies, we shoot all night. When a drunkard dies, we drink all night. When a Christian dies, we pray all night. What if a prostitute dies? What should we do? Please tell me.
What do JFK’s killer and a prostitute have in common?
“They both blow heads.”
I didn't come into the prostitution business...
It came into me.
How is having fun with a prostitute like bungee jumping?
You’re dead if the rubber breaks.
What do you call a prostitute with a major in math?
The thot that counts
You gotta hand it to blind prostitutes.