Roses are red, violets are black. Why is your chest as flat as your back?
I told my girlfriend that the world is flat.
She said "but the world is round"
I said, babe you are my world.
How do bitches talk about body positivity when they have no body to even be positive about
What's the difference between flat earthers and my grandfather? flat earthers are more disconnected from reality than my grandfather is disconnected from his life support.
you so flat you make pancakes look thiccc
Don't pick flat chest because they will turn their backs on you twice
What do you get when you throw a piano down a mine shaft?
A flat miner.
What do you call a flat chested emo girl
A cutting board
What does a perverted frog say? Rub it
Why don't witches wear underwear? To get a better grip on their broom
What do girls and rocks have in common? The flat ones get skipped
What is red and goes 200 mph? A baby in a blender
What do you call a cow that was hit by an anvil? A flat iron steak.
your mom is like a penny, two faced, flat, and always in someones pants.
Flat Earthers
Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft, and I’ll show you A-flat minor
Flat Earther pickup line: "The Earth may be flat, but Uranus is round."
If I had a spray can, I would spray it on your ass. Because the instructions say to spray on flat surfaces.
Girls are like rocks, the flat ones get skipped
Once upon a time, Bob was in his hospital bed, receiving medical treatment not that far after finding out he had cancer. One day, his friend Jeremy decided to visit him. Jeremy told his best buddy this very inspiring sentence: "Sometimes in life, you and your heart will climb tall peaking mountains, and low flat valleys, and all after that we'll be happy forever in heaven, eventually."
little did Bob know that Jeremy was talking about his heart monitor
What did music tell the pancakes? -- B flat.