When is a right time to dance on a body? If it is under the floorboards
So I had an idea: you and a friend go bar (pub (whatever you call it)) hopping and propose to said friend in each one so everyone buys you free drinks and you get drunk and have a great time
Miss Kadie- I heard that the Westburow Baptist church is having a party for kicking out 99999 gay people. Pastor- welcome to the gay matters church. Miss Kadie- stop that you know that god hates gay people Me- stop that vegan teacher. Pastor- you deserve to die - I attack
I don't see why people say emo kids never hangout.
How to astronauts have a party? They planet
Why am i in jail? Because i wasnt invited to the party in the orphanage 23 days ago. Stupid fucks.
At a party, a young wife admonished her husband, “That’s the fourth time you’ve gone back for ice cream and cake. Doesn’t it embarrass you?”
“Why should it?” answered her spouse. “I keep telling them it’s for you.”
what happens when theres ten people innone house and they all have to shit and theres one bathroom?
its a motherfucking shitz party
There was a person inside, who needed help from the police, but the police changed their number, so he ordered a party with pizzas from 2 airplanes, but the pilots were stupid so they put in people instead of pizzas, and one landed on the 93rd floor, and the 94th floor, literally.
did jesus die a virgin no he got nailed before he died
A toddler, was giving her daddy a tea party She brought him a little cup of "tea" which was just water, of course. After several cups of tea , her Mom came home, Dad made her wait in the living room to watch his little Princess bring him a cup of tea, because it was, "Just the cutest thing!" Mom waited, and sure enough, here she come down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy. She watches him drink it up and then says, "You know the only place she can reach water, is the toilet!
Me: roasts my annoying cousin. Everyone at the barbecue...
There's going to be a party at the orphanage tonight, I'm bringing a gun
The first thing the emo did at the party is to pin the gun to there head
What were the candles doing at a birthday party 🥳?
Getting lit.
Mom:lets have an adoption party! Kid:cries Mom:what’s wrong? Kid:IM ADOPTED????
why should you never talk to pie at a party? bc it goes on forever
What do clams do on their birthday they shellbrate but they eat all the cake for themselves because they’re shellfish
I went to the principal's office cuz I gave a deff kid ear pod for his birthday