What do altar boys and strippers have in common? Father issues.
What does a lesbian have in common with a mechanic? Snap-on tools.
My dad died in 9/11.
But he was the pilot.
What do you get when you put 2 nuns and a blond on a football field? 2 tight ends and a wide receiver.
How is a priest like a wristwatch?
They both start at 12.
What’s the best part about being a circumcision doctor?
The pay is good and you also get to keep the tips!
What do strippers and butter have in common?
Both spread for bread.
Why didn't the pirate want to play cards?
Because he was standing on the deck!
What do you call a magician who has lost their magic?
Why do blondes make bad bank robbers?
Because they tie up the safe and blow the guards.
What does a construction worker say to another construction worker?
Screw you!
What do you call a person with no arms or legs at your front door? Mat.
What does the cross guard say to the cows crossing the road?
Mooooooooooo along!
There's a blind hooker in town.
She never sees anyone coming.
I was trying to hang the lights when I accidentally kicked the chair.
It's not surprising there isn't a whole lot of good tree jokes.
Most foresters have a wooden personality.
What do you call a male prostitute in a bar...
Handy Andy.
Why did the cowboy put his bunk in the fireplace?
'Cause he wanted to sleep like a log!
What do you call a man that has no arms, no legs, and sits in front of your door? Mat.
Why are astronauts forgetful?
They're always spacing out.