Your mama is so ugly, she summoned Bloody Mary.
She handed her an application through the mirror.
Ok, so I have a joke for you, go look in the mirror and when you realize, come back to me and tell me.
I’d roast you, but your mirror does that for me every day.
So, I was in the bathroom at school washing up, and this girl walked out of the stall and she was like, "Hey, can you make me laugh? I have been having a pretty bad day." And I was like, "Sure." I was like, "Come here." So she came over to me. I was like, "Girl, look at yourself in the mirror." And she started laughing so hard, and she said, "I'm so ugly."
Wanna see a joke I found? *shows mirror*
Yo mama so ugly, Bloody Mary handed her an application through the mirror.
You know how to draw a horse? If not, look in a mirror and draw what you see.
I asked my mom what her biggest regret was for a project at school, and she said, "Oh, go look in the bathroom above the sink..." There was a mirror.
When was the last time you saw yourself in the mirror?
Wife: [Looks] in the mirror. Wife: I look fat, can you say something positive? Husband: At least your eyes work.