Why does Michael Jackson have such a hard time playing chess?
He can't choose between black or white.
you and jason in youer bed
I can't imagine him moaning with the kids, "Hi, uh, ya daddy, uh HEE"
Why did Michael Jackson dangle his baby out the window?
He was airing his blanket.
What is Michael Jackson's favroite game? Jacks. Why? He loved to play with the little balls.
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a dead pedophile? Nothing.
What does Michael Jackson ask little boys before going to bed? Are you sleeping?
In memory of Michael Jackson, Vienna Beef, as well as various places, is introducing the Jackson Dog. A 50 year old sausage between a 9 year old bun.
In honor of Michael Jackson, Starbucks is introducing the 'Jackson Latte'. It's 50 year old coffee, with 8 year old cream. Get it while supplies last.
Did you know that McDonald's made a Michael Jackson burger? It’s a 50-year-old piece of meat in a 12-year-old bun.
I can do a very good Michael Jackson impersonation. I just need a kid who can keep a secret.
Q: What do Burger King and Michael Jackson have in common?
A: They put meat on five-year-old buns.