What was Michael Jackson's favorite dessert? Cream pie.
micheal jackson goes to his favourite bakery: says to the workers " this is my favourite baker hehe
POV: Someone stole Michael Jackson's baby: "He he stole my bab(y), he he."
Why did Michael Jackson go to Sea World? To free Willie
What do Michael Jackson and a Playstation have in common? They both get turned on by kids.
How did Micheal Jackson die Because he danced like a zombie
What Do You Call Dead? (Not Michael Jackson)
What was Michael Jackson's favorite song? Touch me. I want to feel your body
What's black and white, black and white, black and white? Michael Jackson
What did the lady say to mickel jacson on the beech?exscuse me sir but your in my sun
What did the mother say to Micheal J o. The beach? Excuse me sir but you're in my son
What brand of paint Michael Jackson use to paint Neverland Ranch? Dutch Boy.
What does Michael Jackson and tuna fish have in common? They both come in small can
Michael Jackson is happy when there are twenty eight year olds
Micheal Jackson's nose is so steep it can be a ski ramp
Michael Jackson is like a TV from the 1900s black and white
I was watching a documentary about how storks carry babies from their previous life to the next.
In his old life, Michael Jackson must’ve been a teddy bear. The storks let him play with kids for a change.
Hee hee tuch my pp
You heard that Michael Jackson autopsy reports showed he died of food poisoning?
It’s because he ate some 8 year old nuts.
Why boys feel safe at Ronald McDonald's House than Neverland Ranch? Ronald McDonald's don't put his meat between boy's buns