
Man Jokes

*God creates dog* God: "You are man's best friend"

Dog: "That's pretty sexist"

God: "No, man as in- You know what, FUCK IT! You can't speak"

Dog: "....."

God: "And chocolate kills you!"

Dog: "🐶"

I'm Asian and there is a saying that dogs are man's best friends. They are my best friends because they keep me from starving.

*Riddle:* All men have one, some got long some got small. The Pope never uses his, and a man gives it to his wife after getting married. What is it?

Genie: You cannot wish for more wishes, immortality, or love Man: I wish not to die a virgin Genie: I just said no wishing for immortality

Two balls sit inside a bucket. One turned to another and said,’ Hey man, boing, are you sentient too?’ The other one said, “I’m sapient, you are sentient!!” BOINGZINGA!!!?

what's the worst thing to happen to a japanese person in ww2...being drafted as a kamikaze pilot or existing with a fat man or little boy

man: hi doc, i have a problem. i take a shit at 6:00am every morning. doc: whats wrong with that. man: i dont wake up until 8:00am

Their once was a man that wanted to join a group of right-handed men, but he worte with the other hand. He got left behind