My wiener's small.
A man was sitting in the restaurant and ordered a whole buffet. He is visited by an oracle Apollo says "if you eat that buffet everyone you love will die". Up yours the man said what are they going to die of famine. Moments later there was a incident that took place in the restaurant everyone literally died. it turn the restaurant had a B-. I said is that really a thing groaning on the hospital. The doctor said know that is your condition you hepatitis B-.
"What the FU***** SH**"
Apollo is sitting in Mount Olympus Dying also in laughter.
lil johnny can home one day and said what do fucking each other man then he walked tho the living room and his dad was fucking his mom so oh
Why don't you see any more fat chinese men? Because the last chinese man was in WW2.
Why did the man become stupid?
Cause he was suicidal, herbivorous. Ja...
A man awakes in a hospital and is confused. He decides to feel his legs, but to no avail.
"Doctor, doctor!" He cries out.
"What is it?" The doctor asks.
"I can't feel my legs!"
The doctor stands there for a moment - completely dumbfounded.
". . . That's because I amputated your arms."
an old man walks in a forest with a child and the child says its dark and im scared the oldman says how do you think i feel i have to walk out alone
hot man is se-
Do you call a door that's a man door man
A man walks into a bar and see's a naked lady "WOOW SHES HOT." HE picks her up and pee;s on her and says Hi lady lets have sex.
Have you heard of the man who got all his left side chopped off?
He was all right.
What do you call a man with no arms or legs being pulled by a boat?
What do you call useless skin on a penis A man
A man ate a be to mechanical sexting but he was to be uh sex be vagina penis he want sex but dumb
some man was walking too slow so i told him to Mufasa
The reason why women have suffered longer than men is because men are using women and abusing them as tools and property, which they aren’t.
During WWII, women were used every day by evil men for not being able to have sex with their wives, and Muslim women are being raped, women children are being raped every day while you fucking turds of human shit are making jokes of issues that need to stop, so stop with the homophobia, Islamophobia, biphobia and all the other phobias, make sexual harassment, assault and rape victims' voices heard, we will not stay silent because of this shitty app!
Also, God created women equally as men, do not mistreat your sisters, mothers, aunts, mother-in-laws. Hope all you rapists, sexual abusers, sexual assaulters rot in hell where you deserve to be, not in this country or any other place, hell is where you belong. 😡🤬🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾🖕🏿
3 boy chiwawa were hot about this girl chiwawa. She tells them I will date whichever one of you can use liver and cheese in the same sentence. First dog say... I love cheese but liver is bland. She replay.. Really original. Next dog.. I love liver but chesse makes me constipated.. She replay.. Ewe gross. Third dog steps up.. Man Liver alone cheese mine. Winner dog 3.
A man was having a dream. He dreamt about a mystical creature that was commonly known as the god of toast. When the man woke up, he turned to tell his wife about the dream. When he delivers the toast god punch line, his wife shrugged as she faced the opposite direction to the man. The man turned around also and started sobbing as he realised his marriage is in shambles
Method Man: Yo what’s crackin’ ODB: Yep
man: die potato potato: *screams* i like trains kid: i like trains man: no wait train: *kills man*