How do you know Johnny Depp finished his meal?
When you see fifty empty bottles of wine on his front doorstep.
How do you know Johnny Depp finished his meal?
When you see fifty empty bottles of wine on his front doorstep.
What did Donald Trump serve to Justin Trudeau at a state dinner?
Poutine with Russian dressing!
says Alex stokes Kat Ive Seen you eat Many food
Why did the twin towers complain to the pizza restaurant?... Because they ordered pepperoni pizza and got plain.
There was once a young sister who never got anything good for her birthday, and she was sick of it. So one day the girl asked for a puppy, and the parents said yes. When she got the puppy, he was nice. But the puppy needed food every two minutes. The parents eventually the parents got sick of it and came up with a plan. Two weeks passed and the younger and less fat sister asked where her other sister was as she wanted to play barbies. “And also, why haven’t you been feeding the dog? He needs food you know.” The parents only answered with “oh! Yes, you can have a room all to yourself now. And about the puppy..he won’t need feeding for years.”
What do orphans eat for breakfast
I want some cheeseburgers just to eat. Im talkin ketchup. My nlgga mustard on that BEAT!
I like mouldy food