*My mom trying to get me to do dishes*
Mom: I gave you life and you should be able to wash dishes.
Me: Why did you?
Mom: I was very drunk...
Explains a lot...
*My mom trying to get me to do dishes*
Mom: I gave you life and you should be able to wash dishes.
Me: Why did you?
Mom: I was very drunk...
Explains a lot...
I decided that il end it all but when i drove off i remembered i forgot to do the dishes.
Would you like to try African food?
They would too.
What is the similarity between a joke and food?
Some people just don't get them!
Bleach solves so many problems, Staines, Dirty dishes, messes, and over population
When ordering food at a new restaurant, my wife asked the waiter what they do to prepare their chicken.“Nothing special,” he explained. “We just tell them they’re going to die.”
What do you call a plate that lies? Dish-onest!
Men should pay for the first date, that’s why it’s called a (men)u
Then women should do the dishes, that’s why they call it a dish wash(her)
What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta.
Here are some skeleton jokes You know the average person tries to hard and works himself to the bone If that joke didn't tickle your funny bone i can give you a real humerous joke I used to play the trumpet now i play the xylo-bone im always happy nothing gets under my skin I made you some turkey for lunch Bone appetit Im glad i had you im no longer bonely Ive got a skele-ton of more jokes but i'm just giving you one more Did you hear about the skeleton ninja he was very skullful (skillful)