TELL ME YOU DONE THIS WITH OUT YOU TELL ME YOU DONE THIS.!!! so we all know when yall where in school yall would fart but yall would try to make it silent. but for me that one day I farted loud and every one could hear. every one got to blame the annoying kid.
Donald Trump and the Pope were standing on a platform in front of a crowd of people. The Pope said to Donald Trump, “I can make everyone in this audience happy with one small swipe of my hand.” Donald Trump replies, “That’s not possible. You’ll have to show me.” Then the Pope slaps him.
Ur mom is just like Rapunzel but instead of letting down her hair she lets everyone down!!!! OHHHHH
I was bullying a little kid for having a purple eye and said,"Where'd you get that? Your mom? Your dad?". After that, everyone in my group was laughing at the kid. The next day I never saw him again.
Ex Of Johnnys: I have a question. Johnny:What? Ex Of Johnnys: Am I pretty? Johnny: Yes ofc jesus mad everbody wonderfully! Ex: Awhh! Johnny: But who ever made you was painting tomas the train while making your face.
hello my fellow canadians I mean ameicans I your cool and hip president has decied to give everyone free ice cream! even the russans to go out to your local ice cream shop and make sure to leave your kids at home!
Me to an orphan: If you had a penny for everyone who loved you, i dont think you'd have any The orphan: But why? Me: Because if someone loved you they wouldn't have thrown you out.
I was having issues in my personal and professional life. I hated everyone. I was on the brink of a mental breakdown and depression. I decided to see a therapist about it. The therapist suggested that I should write letters to the people I hate and then burn them. I must admit I feel much better...
But now I don't know what to do with the letters.
So I bus crashes killing everyone on the bus and god feels so bad that he gives each one a wish so the first person comes up and she wants to be beautiful so god makes her beautiful and she goes into heaven next person comes up and he says I want to be beautiful as well as the last man in the back begins laughing a little so this goes on everyone becoming beautiful until god asked the last person what they want and he said I want everyone in front of me to be ugly again! so god had to call the based department and gave him everything that last guy wanted
Why is the sun so mean? cuz it keeps ROASTING everyone
Why did everyone dislike Little Johnny at school? Cause he pierced everyone's liver's with a .357 magnum.
What's the difference between onions and children? Nothing, when you cut one everyone around you cries.
you are like a thunderstorm when you go away like your dad everyone is happy.
Most people are scared of clowns. That's why everyone runs away from you.
You bring everyone so much joy when you leave the room.
How do you know a cannibal picnic is over?
Everyone's eaten.
Why did everyone run from the Mexican when he went to the snack bar? He said "Oola snack bar!" Oola means hello in Spanish.
your entire family tree must be a cactus because everyone in your family is such a prick
I have an Uncle named ricky, who made ur mom sticky, His dad calls him pricky and everyone begs for his dicky
Teacher says okay class today were gonna talk about what everyone wants to be when they grow up Little Johnny how about you go first. Little jonny: " I want to be a speed bump when I grow up!"