One day a local pastor was visiting the home of some parishioners who had a teenage son. The parents were worried about what career their son would choose, so the pastor said he had a simple test that could predict what would become of him.
He would put three objects on a table and let the young man choose whichever one he wanted to have: a Bible, a wallet, and a bottle of scotch. If the boy chose the Bible, he would probably become a priest; if he chose the wallet, he'd be a banker; and if he chose the bottle, he'd become a worthless bum.
So the parents called their son into the room, and the pastor told him he could have whichever object he wished. When the boy promptly picked up all three, the pastor cried out, "Heaven forbid! He's going to be a Jesuit!"
Dogs say woof Cows say moo Idiots say “The site will be less dead when school starts again”
Teacher: How much is a gram?
Tyronne: Uhmm, depends on what you need.
POV: An Asian kidnapper kidnapped an Asian kid, and the kidnapper called the kid's mom. Then the mom said, "No, it's fine, my kid got a B, he failed." And the kidnapper let him go saying he doesn't need a failure.
I feel bad for the kids at Sandy Hook all they wanted was books but got magazines instead
What are the three worst years of a black child's life?
First grade!
What do you call a rapper with a PhD?
A rap scholar.
Why did the rapper go to school?
To learn his ABCs (All 'Bout Cash)!
Why did the rapper go to school?
To master the art of RAP-LETICS!
A teacher wanted to teach her students about self-esteem, so she asked anyone who thought they were stupid to stand up. One kid stood up, and the teacher was surprised. She didn’t think anyone would stand up, so she asked him, “Why did you stand up?” He answered, “I didn’t want to leave you standing up by yourself.”
Why did the rapper go to school?
To get a degree in RHYMEOLOGY
Why did the rapper become a teacher?
Because they had a knack for dropping KNOWLEDGE.
Why did the rapper go to school?
To improve his FLOW-CABULARY
Why did the rapper go to school?
Why did the rapper go to school?
To get his degree in FLOW-NOMICS.
Why did the rapper become a MATH TEACHER?
Because he was good with bars and beats
Why don't parents get school shooting jokes? They're aimed at a younger audience.
Me to friend: I'm homeschooled.
Friend: If I was homeschooled, I'd kms.
Me: Oh, I already tried that.
Today in 3rd grade English, the teacher asked the kids a question, "What turns on when you take your clothes off?"
Little Elsa blushed and screamed, "You can't ask that!"
The English teacher repeats the question and Elsa screams, "I'll tell my parents on you and get you fired!"
Finally, Little Tim raises his hand, "The shower, ma'am."
The English teacher clapped her hands, "Good job, Tim, and as for you Elsa, you do not have the body for that."