
Darkness Jokes

DH: Why is a group of Uchiha not called the Sharingang A: Why? DH: Because there all Sharing..GONE :)


you when you face the boss the first time: :) you when dark souls boss music starts playing on the second phase: :( you when you ask why do you hear boss music: <( you when the boss goes straight to his final phase after 1 hit:

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Which ones super super corny? 🤨🤨

.What's blue and not heavy? (🤔) Light blue

2. What's blue and super hard to see

Dark blue (🤔)

So there were kids in the bus and half of them were white and the other half was black, all the kids wanted to sit at the back so the bus driver said to all the kids stop fighting from now on everyone is now green, so the bus driver said to all the kids dark green go to the front and light green at the back.