What do KFC and pussy have in common?
Both are finger lickin' good, and after you are done eating, you have a box to put the bone in.
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly... and for the same reason.
Trump and Biden didn’t get the memo.
What do a small pair of underpants and a small dance room have in common?
No ballroom.
What does weed in the Carolina Panthers have in common? They both get smoked in bowls
what does math and me on p-hub have in common
they are both hard
What do a male pornstar and an emo have in common?
They are both hung.
What do alcoholics and necrophiliacs have in common?
They both like cracking open a cold one.
Wats rapboat got in common wit plastic bags? They both a danger to young children.
What’s something Bill Cosby and Freddy Krueger having common
Once you fall asleep, you’re fucked
Whats michael Jackson got in common with santa? They both empty there sacks around children.
What's your mom and a dog got in common?
Both will lick dick if you put peanut butter on it.
What does a bridge and a fat chick have in common They both get laid by Mexicans
What does a Travis Scott concert and the Titanic cabin have in common? The music doesn’t stop when people start dying.
What do Santa Claus and Bill Cosby have in common?
They both come while you’re asleep.