What do rocks and girls have in common?
The flat ones get skipped.
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.
What do an open champagne bottle and an orphan have in common? They both lost their pop.
What do SpongeBob and Asians have in common?
They're both yellow and can't drive.
What does Santa Claus in Bill Cosby have in common? They both come while you’re asleep
What do gay men and drug dealers have in common? They both get a lot of crack
What does a Viagra and Disney Land have in common? They both cause you to stand around for an hour waiting for a two-minute ride.
What do us emos all have in common? Depression. Anxiety. The sole desire to just start saying you wanna kys right out of the blue alot and saying "I CAN'T WAIT TO JUMP OF THAT BUILDING SOON!" and other people say, idgaf, do it, all of us would be happy
What does Drew Bledsoe and the twin towers have in common
They both got taken out by two jet.
What do sexists and WNBA fans have in common?
There's enough of them to acknowledge their existence.
Roblox Brookhaven be like
ABC if you wanna be adopted ABC if you wanna be my friend ABC if you wanna be a banker ABC if you wanna rob the bank ABC if you wanna date ABC if you wanna sex
What does sex and food have in common My sister makes it better than my cousin
What do Civil War veterans and pedophiles have in common? They both prefer Minnie (mini) balls
What does Nike and the KKK have in common? They both make Black people run faster
What do asses and secrets have in common?
Both are better when not LEAKED
What does gum in my dick have in common? Both get chewed on by a little kids
What does a pregnant slave and pay less sale have in common Buy one get one free
What does Jeffrey Dahmer and Travis Scott have in common? Eight dead people