One time, I broke up with my Roblox girlfriend by sending her a message. Thirty seconds later, I heard my uncle crying in the next room.
When you send nudes to your Roblox gf and your uncle’s phone sounds with a text tone...
When the school shooter breaks into your classroom, so you try to say goodbye to your Roblox gf, but then the shooter's phone goes off.
What's an orphan's favorite Roblox game?
Adopt Me.
There was a little boy named Chris who was addicted Roblox. One day, his grandpa fell into a deep coma caused by a head injury. One day, little Chris went to visit his poor grandpa. He brought his Windows 10 too, but it had no charge in it. After pulling out some wires and placing his into the wall, he started to hear a long beeping sound, but ignore it and continued to play Roblox. Chris's parents came and saw what had happened. The dad then yelled, "You dumb f***, you killed my father!!!" Then Chris said "Yeah. He was worth robucks, too.
Opposite day be like in doors
Figure : finally I can see
Eyes: Nnnnnoooo I'm blind. Figure I'm sorry i made fun if u all those other times pls don't make fu. Of me
Figure: ok eye promise eye won't.
Eyes: 😭
Roblox Talent Shows be like: Host: Next Up is Bob! Bob: Hi! I'll be singing Pian- *Buzzing Noises* Judges: You suck! Bob: I'm reporting! *Bob get's kicked from the server*
My mom said if I'm awake playing roblox still she said she was going to bang my head against the keyboardhxhdhduhxbsfj
Mom: hey son, what does idk and idc mean?
Son: i don’t know and I don’t care.
Mom: excuse me?
Son: oh, and by the way mum, what’s for dinner?
I don’t know and I don’t care.
99% of Roblox usernames be like: bdiejfbsie3hdiejdbisie882jeoxnd, by yYidgJyeuzyei73*-;ujduzjehzisjd, and j73heisbdjJd3nakwnwo2jdieneidjd
Teacher: Stand up if you think you are stupid.
After a while, a student stands up.
Teacher: So you think you are stupid?
Student: No, I'm not stupid. I just felt bad because you were standing by yourself.
add me in Roblox wholetthedogsoutyou1 lol who let the dogs out you you you you you?
When you tell your Roblox girlfriend you’re breaking up with her, and then 10 seconds later you hear your uncle crying in the other room.
Who's the Roblox YouTuber that always see amongus and say "stupid"
I once was playing with my friend and roblox girlfriend, then one day, they cheated on me. i broke up with her and unfriended him then i saw my mom and my uncle crying! Me be like : ;-;
Figure : who wants to play hide and seek.
Seek and hide: me
Figure:ok hide and I will hide and seek will be it.
Seek:why do I have to be it?
Figure: because ur name says so.
Bully: have u ever heard of a brain
Stupid kid:no
Bully: u should go get one
Stupid kid: wwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Store owner: u have to be 40 inches tall to go into the adult section.
Kid: please.
Store owner: oh okay but get on ur tippy toes.
Kid: ever body is hugging
Your mom is so fat when she skipped a meal the whole stock market crashed.
Your mom is so fat she tripped, and I didn’t even laugh. But the sidewalk cracked up.
Saw that shit on roblox .-.
One day i was texting my friend on roblox and i made her made her mad. she told me she was gonna kill me. that night she told me to meet her at the bathroom at 2 pm sharp. but she made sharp in all caps. so i went to the bathroom at pm the next day. now i know what she meant by SHARP on roblox...... she brought a knife and i was in hell by then. like for the next part!