"How do celebrities stay cool?"
"They have many fans."
Me: Hey, mom? Why do we celebrate birthdays?
Mom: Because that's the day a new life was born, and people are born every day so every day is a special day.
My thoughts: And my friend wonders why I have depression...
Want to know what juice wrld would do if he was alive today. frantically scratch on the inside of his coffin.
Who’s the hottest girl in the world? Babe Ruth cuz she catches the sun
Cameron Boyce
What's the difference between the 44 out of the 45 people who died in the Yaroslavl crash and the nine people who died in the helicopter crash?
Only one was ever famous. Vasicek and Kobe Bryant were the champions.
Chris Brown, More like Chris Brownie hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!
Q. What's the difference between people and a toilet?
A. Neither does R. Kelly.
Dababy in my dickle trickle when eating my pickle.
What is the sweat between Dolly Parton's boobs?
Mountain Dew.
Who's white and has a big penis? Michael Jackson.
He sings, he dances, be he also HE HE.
Mariah Carey is a more legit rapper than rapboat.
People who wannabe rich and famous rappers should always look at Tekashi 6ix9ine, and learn what not to do.