ever wonder why pride month is so hot? it's j a free trial of what's to come for the celebrators...
why did Paul walker died because he crashed a car in a tree
What do you call a woman with magical abilities and an android? Wanda Maximoff and Vision!!!!! Or.... Scarlet Witch and Vision!!!!!!! This joke was added to celebrate and honour Marvel Studios new series: WandaVision!!!!!!
Your mom so ugly that Paul Walker died.
Why did the rapper wear sunglasses?
Why did the rapper wear sunglasses to the interview?
Because his FUTURE was too BRIGHT
How do you beat lady gaga at Texas hold’em?
Poker face
Where do orphans go to celebrate graduation Their parents
if will smith could be in any movie he would be in find my hair line
I bet Kobe failed flying school.
Did you all hear about the newest gay celebrity couple? Yeah, John Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzjohn.
Foi o Chuck Norris que fez o parto da sua mãe.
Yo mama so fat that John Cena couldn’t get her down with an Attitude Adjustment!
What happens when you hit Dwayne Johnson's butt? You hit rock bottom.
What do you call a not potty trained human?
Amber Heard.
What did they find on Chris Rock's face? Fresh prints.
Bill Cosplay
Hi, I am Michael Jackson, pronouns are HEE/HEE!
Why is he sooo dam fineee?
What do you call a car on the side of the road, lit up and ablaze?
Paul Walker's death.