
Birthday Jokes

Thanks for the birthday wishes. It's been an odd one this year as some of you know, my father suddenly passed away on my birthday last year and anyone who knew the old man knew he had a sledgehammer wit!

Good on ya dad ya definitely got the last laugh!

What happens when you bring a paedophile to a babies birthday party. You will have even more birthday parties to go to.

it was my cousin's birthday and my mom said what should we get her.I said a rope

I called my sister a party pooper after she came to my party uninvited Grampa said that the only ones who poop at parties are the ones who don't get invited So I guess that means I was the party pooper at my own birthday?

everyone when we're in the cafeteria singing happy birthday to some random person: Happy birthday to you.., Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear____, happy birthday to u Me in the background: Happy deathday to you..., Happy deathday to you, happy death day dear___, happy death day to you!..