babe im breaking up with you. y? im turning 18 tomorrow
What does a bad friend give a blind kid for his birthday?
Give him a gun and tell him it's a hairdryer.
what did the girl with no hands get for her birthday....we don't know she hasn't opened it yet
i hate my birthday for my first birthday my mom gave me my life i liked it when it was new and fun now its broken and sad and i wanna take it back
when your rother sends you to go get a box of condoms for his b day (* *)
who’s more exited then a kid on his birthday?
jimmy savile in a primary school playground.
I love birthdays 🍰
I, am Thor. And next year, I will be five
What’s an orphans lest favorite event : there BRITHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
The orphan turned 18 but he was happy bcz he didnt have to pay rent to his parents.
Why is September 11th an awesome birthday to have? Because no one forgets it! :))
I bought this happy birthday card for this orphan.
To:The Orphan
From : ______
Last year, I gave my brother a BB gun for his birthday, he gave me a T-shirt with a bullseye on it. I asked him what was the bullseye for he said target practice
For my birthday on September 11th this year I just want a plane but delicious chocolate cake
A guy gives labor to a baby girl and a boy twins the doctor said but the lady was like
The lady: ugh why do I need my husband to be in labor and I want a girl not a boy to just a girl!!!!!!!,!
The lady passed out 😵 and then found out she was in a coma the man who was in labor died the two babys got a nanny a evil one the nanny killed the babys on there first birthday
What did sally get for her 18 birthday a brick . Why did she get a brick she h
What do angels serve at birthday parties in Heaven?
Angel food cake 🎂🥳
What song was played at the flatulent centenarian's birthday? Candle in the Wind!!
Billy got a bike and a soccer ball for his birthday from his uncle, but he was very upset. Why? Because he has no legs.
So my friends birthday is in a couple of day's, and I was wondering what to get him. He hangs out at my house a lot, so I suggested adoption papers'