
Work Jokes

A blind man walks into a bar, and asks the bartender, "Wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bartender replies with, "I'm blonde, the man working next to me is blonde, the woman next to you is blonde, and the fat guy behind you is blonde." Then says "Do you really wanna tell the blonde joke?" the blind guy responds with "No I don't wanna tell it that many times.


I ask the orpahan why he was crying. He didn't really say anything. The I asked where are your parents? He cried more. I love working at the orphanige.

My stepdad took me to work and he told me I could climb trees. I woke up in a hospital, wait did I mention that my stepdad was a lumberjack

"I work with animals" the man said to his date. his date said "I love a man who works with animals what job is it for the animal" "I am a butcher" said the man

so i was asleep and woke up and went to work my wife left already to her job i was driving my car and ran over someone i woke up in my bed realized it was all a dream 20 minutes later i got a phone call the my wife got hit bye a car

I saw a little boy playing alone in the street. I told him that was a bad idea then Asked for his parents. God orphanages are fun to work at!!

I come in from work to see my wife dead on the sofa. As I unzip for one last ride she says BOO! What kind of a dick fuck does that!

Tell your teacher this: I passed a test that took 60 minutes, it wasn't your work, it wasn't my work, it was hour work!