
Way Jokes

Learn math the easiest way from Pendu Multiplying any number by 0 is 0 itself. Hint: Multiplying any number by Pendu's G/A in 2022 is 0 itself. The answer is 0.

What is the difference between a frog and a trombone player? The frog might be on his way to a gig!

Q. What color where Mohammed Atta’s eyes? A. Blue, one blue this way and one blue the other way.

Mom: hey son, what does idk and idc mean?

Son: i don’t know and I don’t care.

Mom: excuse me?

Son: oh, and by the way mum, what’s for dinner?

I don’t know and I don’t care.

What’s the easiest way to make a glow worm happy? Cut off its tail—it’ll be delighted!

My little sister called my name a few minutes after I put her to bed. ùshe told me that the was something in her closet. I checked the closet and told her there was nothing there, but told her she could still sleep in my room with me. I was thinking that was the best way to get her out of the room before he noticed I saw him.

A poor person came up to me and said your ugly i said you remind me of SpiderMan SpiderMan no way home

Twinkle Twinkle there’s a car Coming like a shooting star. I will stand in the way I will not be seen again Are you happy I am dead Now you made it to the end

There was a guy called manners on called poo and called shut up One day manners was on his way to pick up poo from school A police officer stopped shut up and said police: what’s you name Shut up: shut up Police:weres your manners?! Shut up: picking up poo