Roses are red, Violets are blue, In your eyes' reflection, My dreams come true.
Roses are red violets are blue people thinks that you’re fat until they saw your mom
Roses are red violets are blue tory shirts step in doodoo
Roses are red, Violets are blue, In your presence, my love, Every moment feels new.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your laughter's melody, Makes my world anew.
Roses are red, violets are not lime, if you turn around i will fist you anytime
Roses are black, violets are black I’m colorblind
Roses are red Violets are blue I know a pedophile And he says he knows you
roses are red violets are blue I have five fingers the third ones for you
roses are red violets are blue it's really no wonder your mama left you
Roses are red violets are blue old man Jeffrey touches the youth.
Roses are red Violet are blue ur dad bought you
There are 5 cows in a field 1 of them is the mom the rest are kids one of the kids walked up to the mom and asked why am I named Daisy and then a daisy fell on her head, The 2econt cow came up to the mom and asked why am I named rose and then a rose fell on her head, then the 3rd cow said why am I named violet then a violet fell on her head then the 4th cow walked up and said merrrbere then the mom said shutup sinderblock