Me: Happy birthday! I got you a Rubix cube! Friend: I hate you. Me: why? Friend: I'm color blind
I thought my vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant, but apparently it just changes the color of the baby.
How did Rihanna know that Chris Brown was cheating on her? There was a different color of lipstick on his knuckles.
I accidentally drank a little food coloring last night. I ended up dying inside.
what is hellen keller's favorite color
What does Michael Jackson and an Xbox have in common? Firstly, they both went from black to white and secondly they both get turned on by kids.
Sign outside a hair salon: We'll color your hair or dye trying.
What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?
What is red and tan and spins for about 50mph??
A baby in a blender
Customer: Can I get this in a smaller size and a different color?
Employee: Ma’am, this is an adoption agency, you can’t do that here!
Whats yellow and can't swim A dead goldfish
What did the cop say after he shot the ginger? "I guess orange is the new black"
What Can Change Color and get beat up? You
What’s black and white
If your going shopping at school what color would Iike to smell : True or False
Why do leaves change color in the fall? Because they want to leaf their old color
What's red and blue and runs up your leg
A homesick miscarriage
Q: What's yellow and floats?
A: A bus full of children
Why do orphans hate the color black? Because it reminds them of there dark history
what's blue and doesn't weigh much???
Light blue.