So I heard Kenny's mom got moved to a nursing home. He'll probably leave her alone now. He doesn't eat vegetables.
what's an old man's favourite food
wrinkled onions
What is a fish's favorite fruit/vegetable?
An avaCODo.
What the can say to the tomato? Tomato tomato potato potato find twelve recipe for the both 👍🏾 I put on ingredient sticker read for tasting good..
What is the difference between lettuce and a hamburger? When the lettuce runs from the hamburger cries
What do a gay guy in a wheel chair and a tomato have in common? They’re both a fruit AND a vegetable!
Whats an asthma patient’s least favourite vegetable?
An arti-“choke”
A woman went into her garden and danced in front of her vegetables. The next morning, her corn didn’t grow, and the tomatoes didn’t blush or turn red, but the cucumbers grew four inches.
John say a Gay in a wheel chair
"I didn't know a man could be a fruit and a Vegetable"
what do you call a hospital that's flooded vegetable soup
So is a homosexual in a coma a fruit or a vegetable??
What's the worst part about microwaving vegetables
Fittig the wheelchair in
What do you call a person with down syndrome in a bath tub?
Vegetable soup
I asked my mum to be in the Paralympics and she said i had to eat more vegetables
A missionary was caught by cannibals. we was tied up and thrown into a big pot. The cannibals were chopping up vegetables and throwing them into the pot with the missionary. When they lit the fire under the pot, the missionary said, "You can't stew me. I'm a friar."
What's the hardest part to eat of a vegetable? the wheelchair
Where can you find the freshest vegetables? A school for the disabled!