
Lettuce Jokes

What do you call those dead pieces of green stuff left in the bottom of a bowl of Caesar salad?

The last romaines. Now lettuce pray for them.


There was a race between Lettuce a faucet and Ketchup. The lettuce was a-head, the faucet was still running and the ketchup was trying to ketchup

Asked my dad what LGBT stands for

He started with "Lettuce? Bacon. Tomato. What's the 'g' for?" Obviously I had to reply with "Garnish".

I was trying to make friends and this one person came up to me they said “lettuce be friends?” I just laughed and said that was tearable

troll your friend by saying i and saying cup and then tell them that that means i see you pee LOL there is also lettuce cup witch means let us see you pee

number 15 burger king foot lettuce the last thing you want in your Berger king Berger is someones foot fungus but as it turns out that might be what you get.


Today i went to get a sub and they asked me if i wanted all vegetables.. I said no, leave some for the rest of the customers.