
Vegan Jokes

A Man and a Cow are stuck on train tracks and There is a Train in the distance about to hit both of them. A vegan sees this and tries to help. Who does He save, The man or the cow? Neither. He isn't strong enough to lift either of them.


In the cute fantasies: Est-ce que tu manges du poulet ? Attendez une seconde, VOTRE PROFESSEUR VEGAN !!!!! In reality: Are you eating chicken? Wait a second, YOUR THE VEGAN TEACHER!!!

The black nurse tells me she has been a vegan for 29 years. The father sitting next to me asks "so you don't miss fried chicken."


What do you call a weak, beta, tall and dumb kid, A banana. But if you`re vegan you call him food. If you`re poor you eat the skin.

If a gay peson is vegan how does he have sex he will keep getting meat stuck in his ass and in his throught

Why do Vegans like to make their food look and taste like meat? Same reason lesbians use strap-ons. They still like putting meat in their hole, but they don’t like where real meat comes from.

My son wore his new 'Go Vegan' Hoodie for the first time today and already he's been verbally abused as well as being punched, kicked & spat on!!!! And he's not even left the house yet!!!