The other day my brother hit me I yelled for mom no one responded.
My memes are ironic, but my depression is chronic.
If you kill an emo, Is it an assist kill?
Chuck Norris once stepped on a Lego.
The Lego broke in half.
Death once had a near Chuck Norris experience...
Chuck Norris doesn't dial the wrong number. You answered the wrong telephone.
Chuck Norris has a bear rug in his living room. It's not dead or anything, it's just too scared to move.
what's the difference between hitler and you?
one didn't keep posting on twitter about killing themselves.
When the school shooter misses you but you gotta play it off;
1 like= 1 more child in my basement
Chuck Norris threw one Pokéball and caught 'em all.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
What's 9/11 survivors' least favorite NFL team?
New York Jets.
What does Osama bin Laden have in common with Spongebob?
Both can be found at the bottom of the sea, filled full of holes.
Stormtrooper: What should we do with this coffee? Palpatine: Brew it!
Crucifixion was the first T-pose
I told my suicidal friends to stop posting suicidal memes they said they will stop soon
I have a pen I have an Apple um Apple pen The taliban had a plane the US had a building boom 9/11
I guess you could say Stephen Hawking is a dead meme.
the twin towers remind me of an,bang,boom.