
Two Jokes

I was watching the London Marathon one year, and I saw two runners in costumes. One of them was dressed a chicken and the other dressed as an egg. I thought: 'This'll be interesting.'.

These two guys were txting each other.

Guy 1: How r u?

Guy 2: I’m great. The weather is lovely here Guy 2: *sends picture of a flying spring*

Guy 1: ???

Guy 2: Springs in the air. :)

why couldn't the horse give out a speech? option one: horses can't speak at all option two: his voice was a little *hoarse*

There were two snakes slithering along when one snake said to the other snake "Are we poisonous?" "Idk why?" The other snake responded "Cause I just bit my tongue!"

Two cyclist stop on a bridge, the one cyclist says to the other "can you see that forest over there" the other says "no the tree's are in the way".

Q: If there were two moo cows walking down the street, where would they be going?

A: Home to see their mama! *ROTFLMAO*