
Think Jokes

at the back of abraham lincon's mind next to the bullet hole, he was thinking about how slavery is wrong.

The Trump family are flying from New York to DC when Donald looks down on the cities below

Trump: I think Iā€™ll throw a $1000 bill out the window and make some American happy Melania: Oh honey, why not throw ten $100 bills out the window and make ten Americans happy? Ivanka: Even better daddy, throw 100 ten dollar bills out the window and make 100 people happy Pilot: Why donā€™t you all jump out the window and make the whole country happy?

A lady weightlifter goes to the doctor and says "doctor I have a confession". The doctor asks "what is that?" She replies, "I've been using steroids and....I think I've grown a penis". The doctor looks at her and asks "anabolic?" There's an awkward silence then she replies "no, just a penis".

Jill goes home one night with a guy she met at a club. He's tall, super hot, and seems different than most guys she meets. They arrive at his place and head straight to his room. Jill can't help but notice a shelf full of teddy bears. On the bottom are small teddy bears, on the middle are medium-sized teddy bears, and finally, on the top are large teddy bears, all lined up beside each other. She begins to think that he is sentimental and sweet, and isn't afraid to show it. Her heart melts and she want to give him the best night of his life. She gives him a blowjob, and lets him really give it to her, and even takes it in the rear! In the morning, she slowly gets dressed, and smiles at him and asks, "How was that?" He nods and says, "Not too fuckin' bad at all. Help yourself to a prize on the second shelf!"

What do you call a woman who thinks she can do anything a man can do? Wrong.

So there was a kid named Bobby, and he was writing notes. He asked his mother, who was on a phone call, what is one plus one? She said I HATE YOU. Then he asked his brother what is 2 + 2, who was watching a Batman movie, said, NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU BATMAN! Then he asked his dad what is 4 plus 4, who was playing football, said 85 SMACK EM DOWN! Then he asked his sister 8+8, (she was playing with barbies), and she said, My buns are burning. Then he went to school and told her teacher the first note he wrote down. The teacher sent him to the principalā€™s office. The principal yelled, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! Bobby said, NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU BATMAN! The principal yelled, HOW MANY SPANKINGS DO YOU WANT?! Then he said, 85 SMACK EM DOWN! Then he walked away from the principalā€™s office and said, my buns are burning.


I was cooking eggs the other day. It was very EGGxiting, all though, I was EGGxaggerating, but, if you think that wasnā€™t funny to you, then your hard boiled, thatā€™s all for today YOLKS, so I said before several cats starting fighting, that sh*t was a CATastrophe, these kittens were all like ā€œYouā€™ve gotta be KITTEN me.ā€ Mean while, in the ocean, they just waved, SEA what I did there? You SHORE you didnā€™t? Oh, alright, thatā€™s okay bud- I guess these ocean puns are too DEEP for you. No? Okay- but, you know why the skeleton was lonely, eh? Oh, cause he had NO BODY. Why didnā€™t the skeleton ask the girl out? He didnā€™t have the guts. What did the skeleton do to his gf? He B*NED her. No? Alright. Those didnā€™t make you laugh? Maybe I should hit your funny bone.

What present can a pimp always buy his hoes to both show how much he thinks of them and know they can never get enough of?


During a discussion at Sunday school, a nun asks the children what they think God takes you by when you die. A kid responds, "I think God takes you by your feet, because once I walked into my parents room and my mom's feet were in the air and she was screaming, "Oh God, I'm coming!!!"

So i was laying in bed and jt winter do my room is aleays cold cause the heater doesnt work. And i was thinking.... It would be warmer if someone else was laying here with me.... Then i layghed cause who would wanna be with me. Hahaha

Random person: Imma smack you so hard your skin pigment changes!

Me: Who the hell do you think you are? Michael Jacksonā€™s dad?

Dislike this if you think orphans are weird like this if you think orphans are cool

My girlfriend is incredibly sad since her cat has disappeared. I am quite sure now that I misunderstood something when she asked me to eat her p-ssy - and I am beginning to think that I did not get the "f-ck her doggy" part either

I think my dad is to black because whenever he goes to bed and closes his eyes he disappears .šŸ¤£