I believe "Self-Babtism" is a nice way of saying "Failed Suicide Attempt"
So I meet with a therapist on a weekly basis, we talk about my depression and how it's been getting worse. Recently, I've been advised about my condition, and how I've been discussing to her about being suicidal, she's been very helpful throughout it, I was even told I can pay in advance from now on, so I don't have to worry about it later.
Someone asked me why I'm Still here...the answer is simple I don't want to be used as a school assembly
I have a funny joke: my life
What's a depressed persons favourite drink
Depresso espresso
Nah just kidding it's bleach
Guy: My life is like a game, I should end it.
Guy 2: Is it a hard life?
Guy: Yup
Guy 2: Then you can't kill yourself LOL
Guy 3: Hold on, I know a cheat code to finish the "game"
Once again, RIP Daniel Kyre, he actually died this day five years ago.
He attempted suicide Sep 16, and was in life support, till his parents made the tough decision of taking him off.
We will miss ya bud..... (cyndagoooooooo)
Suicidal people are ground breaking
suicidal people are a big contributor to the rope making industry
U wanna hear a Suicide joke nvm it didn’t make it
What do you get when you have a annoying kid, a homicidal kid, and a suicidal kid in the same room? A happy ending.