
Stop Jokes

What did the stop sign say to the street sign when he couldn't read a map? Can you give me some pointers.

Kids uncle " your mum said you can have your friends round tonight ! But imma have to baby sit today" . Kid "OK THANK YOU". (AT BED TIME ) Kid " Please may u stop touching my leg BEN!" Ben "im not " (turns light on ) Kid " UCLEEEEE STOP SPILLING MILK OVER ME !!!"

A Pedo is driving down a highway really slowly and gets stopped by the police. The officer asks why he was driving so slowly the man answers I dont wake up the kids.

why did the rape victim stop eating pears?

because she was told that if you rearrange the letters PEAR it spells "rape"

We should stop taking the piss out of Asian people I mean they already have enough on their plates ... like cats and dogs


Son to mother: "Mom, all the kids in the school are making fun of me because I am still a virgin."

Mother: "Well, start giving them bad grades and they will stop."

I saw a fat woman at the bus stop today So I asked her, "when's it due?" She replied, "I'm not fucking pregnant you rude prick!" I said, "I meant the bus you fat cunt"

An old man and a child are walking into the woods, suddenly they stop "Mister," the child says, "I'm scared l, these woods are dark and creepy..." The old man says, "How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone!"