What do you call a bad player? A noob.
Messi chiquito...
Did you hear about the cello player who dreamed he was performing Bolero?
He woke up and found out it was true.
I tried to organize a professional Hide-and-Seek tournament, but it was a complete failure. Good players are hard to find.
Why are basketball courts slippery?
Because the players dribble on it.
What’s the difference between a WNBA player and a rotten apple? The apple has a chance to make it into the basket.
What do you call a gangster involved with anime? A Cuz-Player.
What do you call Mordecai dressing up as a basketball player?
Blue Jay Simpson!
Do you play COC?
Because it’s a pretty good game.
Q: What are cheetahs?
A: The worst card players!
What's the difference between red wings and old cassette tape players?
One eats tape while the other eats pussy.
I think Kobe misunderstood the 6-ft rule.
What is Jimmy Savile's favorite Roblox game?
"Undress to Impress."
Do you like soccer? My favorite player is Ronaldo, but we can still get Messi.
What did the racist CoD player say to yo mama?
Technoblade can defeat every Minecraft player, but he still can't defeat cancer!
I have two eyes and am afraid of sex.
A Fortnite player.
Why did hitter kill himself
Why can’t a orphine play baseball. Because he doesn’t know where home is
What is a sheep's favorite soccer player? Paul Pogbaaa.