Morbid jokes

Morbid Jokes

What's black and white and read all over? A newspaper. What's black, white, black, white, red, white, black, red, black, then red all over? A penguin falling down the stairs.

Producer: we need to stop testing out products on animals. CEO: shapoo companies do it all the time Fairchild republic making the A-10 Thunder Bolt

there was a animal on my porch then i shot in the head it was strange that it had coffee in its hand, i flipped it over and it was an animal but it looked a lot like my kid.

So I went to Comic-Con and saw a man with a arm missing and I thought cool display until I heard him screaming and getting the other chopped off then I said “ man now that’s a 10/10 display wow

What's the same between a pregnant 14 year old and her fetus? They're both saying "Oh my god my mom's gonna kill me!"