Why do you call a fat midget? Jiggly puff
What is the difference between a dwarf and a midget?
Very little.
Do midgets still start their childhood stories off with, "When I was little"?
Sophia matched with a midget on Tinder. Midget: Hey! What’s up? Sophia: Well technically everything is, from your perspective!
The optimistic midget's coffin was half full.
What do you call angry midgets? short tempered
I saw a midget prisoner climbing down a ladder the other day and i thought, huh, that's a little con-descending
Why does everyone respect midgets and dwarves?
They never look down on anyone.
Why shouldn’t you pick on a midget with learning difficulties ?...because its not big and its not clever.
You can easily outrun a midget because they have to run twice as much as you do
Why did the midget not go to bed? He couldnt reach the bed
If a midget with down syndrome shows up late for work, is it okay to say she's a little tardy?
If there was a quiz on midgets here’s the Midget quiz and the questions that would be on it: 1. When midgets get High on any drug, do they get high or medium? 2. Do midgets come out the closet or the cabinet 3. Are Midgets related to snow whites 7 Dwarfs? 4. Is a midget just a human without the mushroom in Mario? 5. Was this funny?
Friened says, "your so drunk last night, u throu a mushroom at a migit and said grow mario grow.
What do you call a dwarf police officer?
A guinea pig
When a miget smokes weed do they get high or medium
Did you hear on the news that a midget psychic broke out of jail? There is a small medium at large. (Pause For Laughter)
What do you call yourself when you fist a midget? A ventriloquist
Walked out of the electronic store and saw a midget carrying a big screen TV all by him self and he looked like he needed a hand so i offered to help, he said this is not a big screen TV its a Kindle!!