Game of Thrones First Episode

The other day I started watching Game of Thrones.

I told my friend about it. Told him all about the violence, murder, decapitation, gore, sex, gay sex, midget sex, prostitution, rape, paedophilia, incest, and inbreeding... And he was like: "Oh, so you're still on the first episode then?"



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, buttercup. This joke is about how Game of Thrones is known for being super violent and having lots of messed up stuff happening. The person in the joke tells their friend all the terrible things that happen in the show, and the friend basically says, "Oh, so you're still on episode one?" because all that stuff happens all the time. Get it? You probably don't, you're not too bright.

Comments (4)

then that fat retard miller ruined it :(

That bitch ruined it