Why do ego's like robbing banks They get a cut
Thought a waitress said to me you're good looking In fact she was asking If I'd like some pudding
why apple trees like emo kids
Because they like to play yoyo with them
Spell fuzz.okay, f u z z.which also it sounds like F U Zzs
Ur hairline is like a fortnite map at the start of a new season waiting to be identified
My plant's In my garden are like the twin towers neither of them fell just the flowers
it’s amazing just how paranoid Hitler was.
In Hitler’s Germany it was illegal to make jokes about him or his regime.
Come on! Forbidding Germans from making jokes? Isn’t that a bit like forbidding Americans from eating salad?
There are 206 bones in the human body, but I’d really like to have 207.
Like if u like school (i mean if you don't)
I went up to a orphan bully and I said"here look I made a website" the orphan likes it but the kid says"I forgot one feature tho.the home button.
What do strippers and peanut butter have in common? They both like oil
Ur so ugly when you put makeup on it makes you look like a clown
I hate when people leave their cars running Especially in the summer. I'm like, "You got Tracy Latimer in there or something?"
I don’t like the term rape, I prefer: struggle snuggle
I’m like dynamite, You’ll never know when I explode.
America: Saying, “ I beg your pardon” in British English is like saying; “ What did you say to me you orphaned big forehead shitty ass small dick bitch?”
UK: You Americans are so fucking rude.
America: Oh Im SoRrY mIsTeR fAnCy PaNts 👖
Your hair line is like spider man far from forehead
Roblox jokes be like: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I should create a game *Creates game* bruh my game got to thousand hundred 700,000 likes
Once Roblox popped up in my server be like Roblox what are you doing? Me what the heck? Me how did I get in your server? Roblox, you’ve been banned for just cheating
I was watching the condring with a emo person she said she likes the part where the girl was hanging I said why because you wish it were you?