Chuck Glisson

Registered on · 1 follower · Last active 1 year ago

Did you hear about the guy that posts all of the "Hairline Jokes"?

Answer; Yeah, he's a COMPLETE IDIOT!

Why couldn't Jesus have been born in Florida?

Answer; They wouldn't be able to find "Three Wise Men", or a VIRGIN!

Did you hear that Ted Nugent had a beer thrown at him at one of his shows?

Answer; He was okay. It was a draft so he dodged it easily!

Why do INBRED RACIST WHITE TRASH SCUM live on "Welfare" and vote for Republicans"?

Answer; Because they are RETARDED due to rhe "Inbreeding"!

Advice to the Clown telling all of the "Orphan Jokes";

If it's NOT "Funny", then DON'T POST IT!

Why do Inbred White Trash Racists talk so much Shit?

Answer; Because deep down inside, they KNOW that they are nothing but PATHETIC LOSERS!

Why was Helen Keller truly an inspiration?

She learned how to read and write despite being from Alabama!

Why does the wind always blow from the "West" in Washington State?

Answer; Because IDAHO SUCKS!