Chuck Glisson
Why couldn't Jesus have been born in Florida?
Answer; They wouldn't be able to find "Three Wise Men", or a VIRGIN!
You know what's REALLY "Ironic"?
Answer; These REALLY ARE the "Worst Jokes" I've ever heard!
How do you give an "Alabama Girl" a nice compliment?
Answer; You say to her, "Hey, NICE TOOTH"
What is 80 feet wide and has 22 teeth?
Answer; The front row of a Trump Rally!
What does a "Smart Russian", and a "Unicorn" have in common?
Answer; Non-Existance!
Did you hear that Ted Nugent had a beer thrown at him at one of his shows?
Answer; He was okay. It was a draft so he dodged it easily!
How do you keep am Idiot I'm suspense?
Answer; I'll tell you tomorrow!
Advice to the Clown telling all of the "Orphan Jokes";
If it's NOT "Funny", then DON'T POST IT!
What do you call an Argentinian with a rubber toe? Answer; Roberto!
Why was Helen Keller truly an inspiration?
Answer; She learned how to read and write despite being from Alabama!