Why are you dumb? Because you can’t find LOLA.
Sister: I don't want to do it, but...
Me: No more butts! Butts are too yuck to be in this sentence.
I was in an argument with a "friend" at school. He said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
...so I threw a dictionary at him.
Why are hindustan bhai so good at Python?
When they are hungry, they use Python and take credit card information ;). You know what they say, you give a man a curry and he eats for a day, you give a man a language and he eats for a lifetime.
There was once a Spanish magician. He said, "Uno, dos..." and he disappeared without a tres.
A student asked a teacher, "How do you pronounce this word? It's spelled A-L-L-I-E-D."
The teacher was about to answer, but then the student said, "Actually, I know how to pronounce it. I lied!" (allied)
Uremn es abarancin yngnumma gety asuma qshi tun?
Si, papi?
Q: Why can't orphans be gay?
A: They have nobody to call daddy.
What's the difference between yes and no...
Me: Spell "I cup."
My Friend: I see you pee.
My Friend: Oh hehe O-O
What do you call 4 Mexicans stuck in quick sand?
Quatro Sinco.
The "f" in "orphan" means family, even though there's no "f."
What is the difference between cunnilingus and a confused Parisian tourist?
One lapses into French, the other Frenches into laps.
I don't know why there are 26 letters in the alphabet.
Why did people say a man had nothing? ... Because he was a-nonymous.
I need to speak to Water Sharky.
A Chinese wise man once said, "ching chong ling long ting tong," which means, "keep striving in life."
1. Your brother says... “you look ugly.” You say back... “Nice, I was trying to look like you.”
2. You're so dumb, I'm surprised you even made it to kindergarten.
3. The ugly vowels: A, E, I, O, and YOU.