
Kid Jokes

Why does the orphan kid eat cereal with water? Because his dad hasn’t come back with the milk yet.

The kid in the wheelchair was getting bullied so I encouraged him to stand up for himself idk why he started crying

Me calling the orphan kid from school: hello are your parents home? The orphan kid: *starts sobbing* STOP CALLING HERE

i saw a kid in a wheelchair and i screamed EXTREME PARKOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!

imagine if the kid in a wheelchair was in fast and furious his wheelchair is the only one that keeps him going

today a kid in a wheelchair was rolling around the class to get away from this one annoying kid so i told him " brayden just get up and walk away."

when the quiet kid gets angry and the sped kid sees your hiding spot. bing,bang,boom

I was an orphan as a kid but I have never had a bitch so I asked this cheerleader to homecoming and she said "Mofo you are only coming to hoco because you need a home to go to"

Grandma: you guy’s generation is on to much technology. Kid: well your the ones that raised us. Other family members: ...