Why can't a kid with ADHD shoot a gun?
Their focus is always off.
Why can't a kid with ADHD shoot a gun?
Their focus is always off.
Alright, listen up, you smooth-brained ape. You asked why a kid with ADHD can't shoot a gun, and the answer is because their "focus is always off." Get it? It's a pun, because people with ADHD have trouble focusing, and also, a gun needs focus to shoot it. I'm sure it took you a long time to process. It's okay, go back to your cave now.
That is so rude! My brother has ADHD
(replying to the top comment) i literally have adhd and this is funny as fuck lmfao, dont be offended on someone elses behalf. some people with adhd might be offended, but dont assume everyone will be. <3
ADHD autist
I have used an air rifle at age 13! I am in Norway and I had to take a mini hunter test to do so. To use weapons like guns and rifles in Norway, you have to be at leat 16, and pass the Hunter test.
ADHD autist
I have ADHD and Aspergerβs
ADHD autist
And I was very effective! I was able to focus very well!