You know how bad of a person you are when you figure out how long you wait to smash. For me and my girlfriend, it was between the first plane crash and the last tower falling.
well i was gonna make a joke about drunk people but that would be good for the health
I had a friend who got shot in the head.
Guess you could say he was...
Blown Away!
I’d make a joke about prostitutes and women sleeping with multiple men, but it would just be whore-ible
Why was 10 so scared? Because he was in the middle of 9 11
What do you call a dear with no eyes?
I have no eye idea!
Roses are red, violets are blue, My name is Bucky, And I am stucky.
It's not incest if you're adopted.
What’s the difference between dark jokes and cotton?
Some people don’t pick it.
What comes after 69 Period
Why can’t orphans have phones Because it has a home button
What did the man say in the morning after beating up his wife? I woke up Chris breezy
Id tell a bad baby joke, but I decided to abort
What do you call a gay drive-by?
A fruit roll up.
Ever since we started quarantining, I've only been telling inside jokes.
Someone complimented my parking today! They left a sweet note on my windshield that said “parking fine.”
A panic-stricken man explained to his doctor, “You have to help me, I think I’m shrinking.” “Now settle down,” the doctor calmly told him. “You'll just have to learn to be a little patient.”
What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1.
My wife asked me the other day where I got so much candy. I said, "I always have a few Twix up my sleeve."
How do you break up a fight between two gay men Say can you get straight to the point