why did little johnny drop his ice cream? because he got hit by a bus
Whats the difference between a priest and MCDonald's? They both stick their meat in 10 year old buns
Why should you never make height jokes about dwarfs?
It goes right over their head
What’s one thing you can say during a family dinner and in bed Where are the kids?
What do you call it when someone fucks shoe inserts?
what do you call a mexican with one leg? Border hopper
Roses are red, flowers are pretty, I heard your mom has a nice pair of titties.
I don’t like to make jokes around dwarfs Simply because they look up to me
Why do dwarfs do drugs? To get high
What did the cow say to the leather chair? “Hi Mom!”
What do alcoholics and amputees have in common? They are both legless
My girlfriend who is a Jehovah witness had sex with me so hard she turned to Christianity
Know your abcs! Assholes bitches and cocaine!
How do you trick a homophobic heterosexual male that is a roman catholic priest into using the glory hole inside the men's restroom at a gay bar? Tell him that it is a confessional booth
What does a cannibal call a wheelchair user? Fast food
What do you call a crowd of horny white women?
A field of cotton waiting to be picked.
What did God say when he made the first woman? Where is your dick at?
What’s faster than a black guy with the TV? His little brother with the Console
I don't understand why people get offended by incest jokes, they're so family friendly.
Hey, pass me that crow bar please.
Sure... y’know, before the crowbar was invented, crows had to drink at home
(credit to Ryan Lombard (I think that’s his name) from YouTube shorts, I loved this dad joke/pun)