When a man sleeps with a lot of women, he's called a stud. When a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called your mum.
I thought gender reveal parties were only for new borns, not for teen agers.
My gf told me I have to be more in touch with my feminine side, so I crashed the car.
if you think your life is bad than pepole are discusing the gender of mr potato head
"We are trans We are Gay We are lesbian We are Bi" We Do Not Care
i always felt like a man trapped in a womans body. But then I was born.
But In my defense , I was young then and I had a womb without a view.
What's the difference between your mom and a fat female cow...
A female cow doesn't have a dick.
A man was raping a woman and thought the year was 1970 and he exclaimed to the judge later that he was her husband. She got sent to the Asylum for Hysteria.
Wait, what? Was he actually her husband. He was a christian so that actually meant he was AFTER the rape.
Wait, what? the bible doesn't say that.
Actually yes it does and marital rape was legal until 1990.
WAIT WHAT? Thats not funny.
I'll tell ya whats funny, that you think the women have nothing to complain about.
If I had a dollar for every gender, i would only have one dollar because women are objects and men are superior
There are multiple. That’s the joke.
How can you tell when a female was raped : she crossed herself out.
what does your mum have in common with your dad? they are both men
What's the difference between a snowman and a snowgirl
Snow ball's
I have a trans friend. He is in a polymers relationship and would be straight if they had a dick
i hate it when people think im a boy because i have short hair i mean im gay what do you expect
He said he didn't want to be my brother anymore.
He's now my sister.
Women have so much evil in their blood that God has to drain it once a month. Hehehehehe
Sike, I lied, your mom is a guy!
What happens when you kick a boy in the balls?
What did the female rapper say when her boyfriend pulled his pants down and exposed his huge balls?
“I like big nuts and I cannot lie!”