What’s the difference between Stephen Hawking and a walkie talkie? He can’t walkie or talkie.
A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because it was a very large mammal; its throat was very small.
The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.
The little girl said, "When I get to Heaven, I will ask Jonah."
The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to Hell?"
The little girl replied, "Then you ask him."
Have you ever walked into Stephen Hawking's house? No,he hasn't either.
Stephen hawkings is such a bad role model for our kids
He only ever looks one way when crossing the street
Stephen Hawkings isn't really dead, he's just rebooting
What is Stephen Hawking' favourite song
Head shoulders screws and bolts
When Albert Einstein was making the rounds of the speaker’s circuit, he usually found himself eagerly longing to get back to his laboratory work. One night as they were driving to yet another rubber-chicken dinner, Einstein mentioned to his driver (a man who somewhat resembled Einstein in looks & manner) that he was tired of speechmaking.
“I have an idea, boss,” his driver said. “I’ve heard you give this speech so many times. I’ll bet I could give it for you.” Einstein laughed loudly and said, “Why not? Let’s do it!”
When they arrived at the dinner, Einstein donned the driver's cap and jacket and sat in the back of the room. The driver gave a beautiful rendition of Einstein’s speech and even answered a few questions expertly.
Then a supremely pompous professor asked an extremely esoteric question about anti-matter formation, digressing here and there to let everyone in the audience know that he was nobody’s fool. Without missing a beat, the driver fixed the professor with a steely stare and said, “Sir, the answer to that question is so simple that I will let my driver, who is sitting in the back, answer it for me.”
When Steven Hawking’s realizes heaven is only a stairway away
Why is Steven Hawkins going to hell............. because its a stairway to heaven not a ramp!
What is the difference between Stephen Hawking and a walkie-talkie? He doesn't walkie or talkie.
Poor Stephen Hawking couldn't pass the "I'm not a robot" test.
Why does Stephen Hawking do one-liners? Because he can't do stand-up.
The Big Bang happened 16.8 billion years ago, and matter cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, we are all technically 16.8 billion years old. So, to answer your question, officer, yes, she is of age.
Two atoms are walking down the street, and they run into each other. One says to the other, "Are you all right?" "No, I lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I’m positive!"
I make science puns, but only periodically.
A guy is at home and he's about to go get a physical at the doctor's office. When he gets there, the doctor says, "Brian, you're going to have to stop masturbating." He asked the doc why? The doc said, "So I can examine you!"
Did you hear that Stephen Hawking wrote a new book? It's called "Around The House in Eighty Days."
🤔 😳 what do physically handicapped ♿ 👨👨 👨 👨 👨 👨 👬 👬 👬 gay men do after they are done belching whip their mouths 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 on their light blue handkerchiefs after they are done sucking cocks
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What’s the difference between a doctor and a pedophile?
The doctor doesn’t enjoy giving physicals
What has 4 wheels 2 legs and loves his shoulder
Stephen hawking