There are multiple. That’s the joke.
I hate it when people think I'm a boy because I have short hair. I mean, I'm gay, what do you expect?
I have a trans friend.
He is in a polyamorous relationship and would be straight if they had a dick.
We saved a transvestite in a tight mini skirt from a tree.
I thought I showed a lot of balls.
What does your mum have in common with your dad?
They are both men.
There was a man in a tower, and the other man thought it was a girl, so he said, "Let down your long hair." He said, "OK, I will let my big, super long, hairy penis down for you to climb and suck." Then the other man said, "If you have such a long dick, suck it yourself. See ya, b*tch."
What's the difference between a snowman and a snowgirl?
Girl: Hi (flirt)
Boy: Hi? (reluctant)
Girl: I'm a cheerleader captain, I'm also single (flirt).
Boy 2: Excuse me?! He's MY MAN...
How can you tell when a female was raped? She crossed herself out.
I woke up one night to a strange noise, and when I went to investigate what it was, I found out that it was coming from my parents' room.
I looked inside and counted, ok one, two, three finger men and my mom, so nothing out of the ordinary, so then I checked my sister's room, and I counted 4 other women in the room, but then I realized that the sound was coming from right in front of me. It was my dad giving me a BJ the whole time.
How does a blonde turn off the light after having sex?
She opens the car door.
What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman?
My wife is a whore, so I pimped her out and broke her mentally and emotionally, taught her a good lesson of being a real woman loyal to her man. End of story, you women are bitches.
He said he didn't want to be my brother anymore.
He's now my sister.
Women have so much evil in their blood that God has to drain it once a month. Hehehehehe
Sike, I lied, your mom is a guy!
What happens when you kick a boy in the balls?
What did the female rapper say when her boyfriend pulled his pants down and exposed his huge balls?
“I like big nuts and I cannot lie!”
Non-binary is a joke.
A lady comes into the boys' bathroom and a boy sees her.
"This is not a girls' bathroom," he says.
She answers, "I don’t care," she says, "I NEED TO PEE!"