One time I tried running to home but I forgot I don't have one so I stayed at third
Why was the piano waiting at the front door?
Cuz it forgot which key to use!
Why did Princess Diana cross the road.........She forgot to put her seatbelt
id tell a joke about how my mom was abusive but i either forgot everything or she just wasn't there
I was at school when i remembered i forgot my necklace then i screamed out, "SHIT I FORGOT GRANDPA."
Bubba couldn't make rent so he offered to sleep with the landlady instead. I think he forgot he lived in his mom's basement.
Boy: will u remember me in a minute? Mom: yes Boy: will u remember me in day? Mom:yes Boy: willu remember me in a year? Mom: yes Boy: knock knock Mom: who's there Boy:bitch, u forgot me
What's the difference between dementia and a strawberry? I dont know. I forgot.
why does the orphan eat water with cereal? mom forgot to come back with the milk
My dumb ass thinking i made a friend, oh ya i forgot literally nobody likes me!!!!
Shrek once went to the movies and when he sat down he felt this slimy and sticky feeling on the chair, so he stood up and complained about his chair being dirty... until he realized that he forgot to wipe earlier... so he stopped complaining and went back to his chair and sat back down.
Jack and Jill went up a hill to smoke some mairawanah Jack got high and grabbed her thigh and said i know you wanna but dumb ass jill forgot her pills and now they have 12 kids
Why do orphans that go to there friends house friends mom:go back to your house it’s late Finn wait can I have your moms phone number Finn friends mom: wait aren’t you a orfinn wait don’t you have a phone Finn? wait I forgot you don’t have a phone because nobody wanted to get you a phone or to get you
Brown bear Brwn bear what do you see i see a blind man looking at me blind man blind man what do you see. Oh sorry i forgot you cant see.
Why did the chicken cross the road
He forgot his eggs
Yesterday my mom forgot to go grocery shopping and I was starving so I kept opening the fridge about 100 times but nothing new was in their
What did the Turkey Say to The other Turkey? They Forgot The Stuffing
What do you call an emo kid playing with fire? Forgot to clean little piece of dust.
I'm always forgetting these kinds of jokes. I also forgot my son's name.
my dad said ill get the milk but he forgot i was i his car