I'd make a 9/11 joke, but they always crash and burn.
Why is everyone trying to make a big deal out of this? My family were only flying to Pakistan and crashed into 2 towers.
Guess what song was playing during 9/11? Timber by Ke$ha.
Damn, this new Angry Birds is fire!
My friend had a house FULL of okra, but it blew up and okra was everywhere.
I guess you can call that place Okra-homa!
What did the south tower say to the north tower? It said: nothing.
9/11 joke.
Q. What is the Titanic's favorite food?
A. Ice burger.
Did I ever tell you my father should have been on the plane that crashed into the Twin Towers?
But that's just my opinion.
Iceberg: You may know me.
Titanic: You are a sucker.
Iceberg: You hit me.
Titanic: Moron.
Iceberg: Waaaaaaaaaa!
Titanic: I don’t give a shit.
Why did the Titanic sink? It loved the iceberg!