Dating Jokes

What excuse can you use if you find out your date is a rape victim and you don't want the baggage?

Say you've parked your car in a bad spot, and are just going move it, then move your car all the way back to your home address

"I work with animals" the man said to his date. his date said "I love a man who works with animals what job is it for the animal" "I am a butcher" said the man

First date be like:

Me: I work with animals every day.

Her: Oh, how sweet! What is it exactly that you do with them?

Me: I'm a butcher.

Blossom: why are we dating the rowdy ruffs when were technically siblings? Bubbles:... Buttercup: idk but those people over there r lookin at us weird Alabama: 😈

A Boy in nursery asked a girl out. She ran away crying in fear. So he just went back to teaching